Here are some pictures of our last fieldwork in the Da-An (大安) river valley (central West-Taiwan) highlighting more the funny than the geological aspects of being out in the field! (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)
Muddy traps:

Our assistant Mong-Han:



Two-headed sandstone block with beautiful cross-stratification:

Kamil showing full-body commitment:

A monument of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: The Chinese believed that a bull is hitting the earth and thus causing earthquakes.

3 geologists at a fabulous outcrop:

Here is again a picture riddle: very green, isn't it?
3 Kommentare:
Ein Dinosaurier-Ei, von den wohlschmeckenden!
das Bild von Micha könnte glatt eine Werbung von Mammut Outdoor sein.. :-)
hoffe es geht euch gut und viele Grüsse von der langsam austerbenden Uni Basel...
Gruass Gux
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