This rare sight, on the other hand, was seen when the two gentlemen submit themselves to a highly scarce metamorphosis: dressed up in impeccable shirts and ties, they were heading to a wedding party! A rare sight in the geology community, indeed!
Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008
Like Day and Night
Tarka, an American PhD student from Boulder (Colorado), who works on active structures in central Taiwan, is staying with us for a while. Kamil always offers him a ride on his bike, so you see these two geologist cruising around the campus in the search for knowledge, wisdom and - more often - food.

This rare sight, on the other hand, was seen when the two gentlemen submit themselves to a highly scarce metamorphosis: dressed up in impeccable shirts and ties, they were heading to a wedding party! A rare sight in the geology community, indeed!
This rare sight, on the other hand, was seen when the two gentlemen submit themselves to a highly scarce metamorphosis: dressed up in impeccable shirts and ties, they were heading to a wedding party! A rare sight in the geology community, indeed!
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