Anyway, we are delighted that they came by and we tried to show them around a bit. So we went to Jioufen and invaded the nice tea-house we had lately discovered (see post of September 30th). This time, we were sitting (or better kneeling) on a traditional elevated platform and enjoyed our High Mountain Oolong Tea while nibbling pumpkin seeds and tea-flavored glutenous cookies.
Kamil - being by now experienced to prepare tea in the traditional way by - poured skillfully and highly concentrated our tea:
Afterward we went to Keelung to visit the Ershawan Fort, also called Haimen Tiansian (海門天險). This old fortress was build in the 19th century by the Qing-Dynasty to defend the local trading port. They successfully did so against the English troops who tried to invade the North of Taiwan just two years after they finished building this fortress (lucky Chinese!).
Matthias is showing the harbor emphasizing the strategically ideal position of the fortress.
A few canons here and there (plus some fearless soldiers) and the harbor was well protected.
The next day, we went out to Jeliou Geopark just a few km north of Keelung. Jeliou is a long cape formed by Datun Mountain reaching into the sea. The rock strata at Jeliou is full of sea-water eroded holes as well as numerous rocks in the shape of mushrooms, heads, candles, and chessboards.
Kamil found an ideal place for yoga training:
One of the many funny mushroom rocks with four geologists surrounding it.

The most famous rock formation is called "Queen's Head" or "Nefertiti":
Kamil having fun in front of the candle rocks:

So, the four of us were quite impressed by the scenery and, as you can see, we enjoyed this visit to Jelihu Geopark very much:
As our friends are starting their two-weeks trip around Taiwan on their on own, they decided to better get prepared and reduce the amount of stir caused by two foreigners by disguising in local garment... Hmm, very nice!
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