Sonntag, 28. September 2008


Last week, I (Micha) was in Beijing to attend a conference on optically stimulated luminescence, a dating method which I learn to use now in Taipei. Although the talks were really sophisticated (and I probably understood only a few percent of what all these clever physicists said), I learned a lot about the method, got to know a few new people and, nevertheless, had the great opportunity to visit Beijing. So, I want to share some of the pictures I took during my visit:

As three former colleagues of Bern, Switzerland, were attending this meeting too, I went out to explore the Summer Palace in their lovely company:
On the first picture, you can see the Tower of Buddhist Incense, which we termed to our better liking "tower of power":

Next to it on the Longevity Hill are several smaller buildings and pagodas, the purpose of which varied from places for preying, for tea ceremonies, birthday parties for the empress,...

Damian found an interesting round entrance to one of the different garden sections of the "Gardens of Nurtured Harmony". Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, he realised that Chinese humans obviously have different proportions than Swiss ones.

Here are my three "very Chinese" colleagues: Sally, Damian and Dänu!

Funny enough, at the entrance to the summer palace, you do not only get the weather forecast but also the tourist forecast!

Another highlight we visited was the Great Wall. This trip actually was organized by the conference, so four bus-loads of geologists, physicists and archaeologists started the steep ascent!

Yep, I made it!!!

As the conference ended at lunch on the last day, we had the afternoon for exploring the Forbidden City entering it by the Meridian Gate:

Here is the Hall of Supreme Harmony (oh, yes, the Chinese like pathetic names!) in the center of the Forbidden City: (Don't get fooled by this picture, normally it is really crowded. I took this picture shortly before closing time, so most of the visitors had already left!)

That's my Taiwanese colleague Vicky and me in front of the Palace of Heavenly Purity (... if I remember correctly...):

Beijing was very impressive and is completely different from Taipei! Definitely worth a visit!!!

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