The European Geosciences Union Meeting held in Vienna was a perfect occasion to come back to Austria and to visit our families and friends. This meeting offered us the possibility to meet many of our colleagues from Austria and Switzerland and to engage us in networking, as well as to present our data and learn new things.

On the first days, Vienna welcomed us with sunny spring weather, revealing the town's best side. We adored the beautiful buildings, the fresh green in the parks and enjoyed the cafes and the few people in the streets (-if you've experienced Taipei, Vienna seems quite empty in comparison...).

And we also profited from the cultural activities in the Austrian capital, attending a play by Ödön von Horváth in the Volkstheater. We even had our own loge! :-)

Back in Innsbruck, we had to take advantage of the great weather and the even greater snow in the mountains: here are some impressions from the Stubaier Gletscher! It was just awesome!!!

And Nils (the best Telemark-teacher in Switzerland) can be proud of his student - voila: what a sweep, what a drive!

Afterwards, Kamil had the biggest muscle ache ever, but was proud to take it with him to Taiwan!
And then, of course, we saw our sweetest little nice Judith again - with her 6 months, she is the most charming little girl ever! We miss her a lot here in Taiwan! The probably biggest drawback of being here is to miss out on her growing up... Skype is only a modest compensation...
1 Kommentar:
hallo ihr zwei! leider habe ich keine email adresse von euch... doch der blog ist echt super, informativ, amüsant! in knapp einem monat werde ich euch in der zeitzone besuchen :), ein praktikum führt mich in die mongolei! leider gab es keine flüge über taipeh... liebe grüsse, noch aus basel
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