Travelling through a foreign country unevitably leads to the encouter with roadsigns. Some are clear as sunshine - no doubt about their meaning even if the language is not readable. However, some are less clear. And then there are some, which display complete new insights in obvious habits of the local people.

This one is easy and clear to understand, although it is in Chinese. Do you see the nice triangle hat? Cute, isn't it? I can't even remember, do our European road workers wear a helmet on the signs?
The one on the above right is also obvious. Although the many words below the sign trouble us. Is that important information? Probalby even very important?
So it becomes a relief to find English translation at the bottom of other road signs. (Although, this one is not really important information. We could have missed that one out...)

Sometimes I wish they would not provide the translations... poisonous snakes and bees...iiihhh! And why on earth would you want to bomb fish? What have they done to you???

We knew that weather conditions are different from Europe, but the consequeces of typhoons can really be nasty...

This one was particulary interesting for its English translation. We wonder what "currentis swift water", "deep danger" and "amusement water perfomance swimming" are??? - Nonononono! I don't want to know the answer....

We found another nice picture to torture your mind: What is it? (Answer in one of the next postings!)
2 Kommentare:
Although it doesn't look like the most delicious fruit you've ever tasted, I'm quite sure that's exactly what we see on this picture...
I think it's the hair of one of those stone lions
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